The T/M Ranch is a private ranch located in southeastern Colorado near the foothills of the
Sangra De Cristo Mountains. We have several rivers which run through the ranch, i.e. Santa
Claire, Cuchara, and the Huerfano. The elevation is 6800 feet. The terrain is a combination of
rolling cedar ridges, canyons, and river bottoms which provides physically easier hunts than
mountainous areas. All of our hunts are fair chase. We only run small groups of hunters, first
and foremost to provide safety and quality. We have experienced guides that scout and track
our animals year round. Our ranch has also received Colorado Land Management awards, which
speaks for the stewardship and care that we take pride in. We are a working cattle ranch. We
don’t over graze our land and believe in cattle rotation as to preserve our vegetation, thus
leading to quality big game. The vegetation consists of predominately Blue Grama, Western
Wheat, some Rye, Chamise, Monarch Bush, and Clover.